November 29, 2007

The Cold War Is Over But the Kids Are Alright
Just in time for tonight's party (will you be there?), Phillyist adds another new writer to the mix, this one the very talented—and extensively published—Joshua Valocchi. We'd like to emphasize that we brought him on as a writer long before he said nice things about Editor Jill's place of employment in a Philadelphia Weekly article, and that said article has nothing to do with his new position on the staff. Although Editor Jill may just buy him a drink tonight, anyway.
Although their seemingly sudden and near-simultaneous appearance on just about every indie rock blog sometime around December ‘05 may have led the masses to believe otherwise, Cold War Kids (MySpace) are much more than mere balladeers on the buzz bandwagon.
From their meager beginnings in a tiny apartment in Fullerton, CA, where they used everything – including the kitchen sink – in the recording of their debut EP, Mulberry St. to finally settling down and signing with Downtown Records (Gnarls Barkley, Art Brut) in the summer of ’06, the Kids have earned their stripes.
Touring relentlessly over the past two years, sharing the stage with the likes of Muse, Two Gallants and the kings of blog buzz, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Cold War Kids continue to pile on to their burgeoning fanbase. Their increasing popularity is thanks in no small part to their deceivingly laid back approach to ragged chord arrangements that seamlessly segue to insistent power pop climaxes.
Expect great things from the Kids tonight at the TLA but don’t expect to see scheduled opener Richard Swift, who injured his wrist in a bizarre gardening accident (just kidding – it was actually a gear-loading incident) last week.
Oddly enough, Swift’s unexpected departure comes hot on the heels of the White Stripes’ cancellation of their Icky Thump tour —which the Kids were slated to open—due to Meg White’s adorable breakdown (seriously – isn’t everything Meg does adorable?).
Although these two clearly unconnected incidents aren’t enough to sway Phillyist’s opinion of Cold War Kids, they do at least warrant a caveat. Basically, we still strongly recommend hitting up tonight’s gig. However, sensing what could quickly develop into a disturbing trend, we think it might be wise to maintain a respectable distance from the stage, lest you find yourself ensnared in the grasp of the Kids’ obviously foul-tempered aura.
Remember, kids – safety first.
(Joshua Valocchi)
Cold War Kids with Derrick Brown and We Barbarians
Fillmore at the TLA (334 South St.)
Tonight, 11/29/07, 9PM
Get Tickets
Image Credit: Flickr user tammylo