October 31, 2007

Editor's Picks
America’s VideoGame Expo
Fri., Nov. 2-Sun., Nov. 4, various times. $7.50-$30. Pennsylvania Convention Center, 12th and Arch sts. www.vgxpo.com
This weekend’s Video Game Expo is aimed at the same demographic as Las Vegas’ Adult Entertainment Expo—but instead of listing luminaries like Jenna Jameson and Christy Canyon, the “celebrity” guest register at VGXPO features Ralph Baer, the creator of Pong (which is only one letter shy of “porn”).
Just like a porn conference, though, VGXPO offers (for an additional fee, of course) a mini-conference providing tips and secrets about breaking into the industry. In fact, a job and education fair is being held on-site, and I’m betting dollars to donuts that VGXPO attendees stand a much greater chance of working in their hobby field than do the creepy smut groupies.
Another aspect of VGXPO that gives it an edge over your run-of-the-mill FapFest is the Video Game Museum. A gamers’ hall of fame of sorts, the museum showcases beloved systems and games of old. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own favorites to donate.
Just try showing up at Pornstock with John Holmes’ cold dead cock in your hand. Let me tell you—it does not go over well. (Joshua Valocchi)
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