December 11, 2007

As the holidays approach and Old Man Winter finally gathers enough gumption to raise an admittedly shaky middle finger to global warming, Philly’s nightlife scene heats up to near-NYC levels, if just for a short spell.
Considering the dampening effect that carpenter’s birthday has on the city’s social life every year, now is the time to get out, get buzzed and get down before the crippling crush of commercialism shames all of us back into our little burrows to store up enough energy and saintly patience to deal with the amateur extravaganza that defines New Year’s Eve.
In fact, why not vow to take matters into your own hands, grab the city by the short ones this week and celebrate the passing of another miserable year a few weeks early? Not only would such a measure confuse the hell out of your friends and family (always fun), but it could be the first shot fired in the war on social mediocrity. Instead of settling on playing dodge the cigar with the frat boys in Old City to ring in 2008, rewrite the rules with no concern for convention.
People, we need to take the power back:
Skeme Richards: Marvelous Shit
9 p.m. Free.
Walnut Room, 1709 Walnut St. 215.751.0201
What better way to commemorate the age-old practice of knowingly spreading bald-faced lies to, of and about yourself in the form of “resolutions” than dancing into such a frenzy that you forget – at least for a moment – that you truly are your own worst enemy? Local product and esteemed member of the world famous Rock Steady Crew, Skeme Richards is one more in a growing list of Philly DJs garnering serious international cred.
Marvelous Shit, Richards’ weekly throwdown at the Walnut Room, offers b-boys and b-girls alike the perfect opportunity to share a hometown hang with a world-class crate-digger and plate-spinner. Featuring rare grooves, vintage soul cuts and hot hip-hop breaks, Richards’ sets are enough to ply even the staunchest of wallflowers out of the background and on to the dance floor. In fact, if every night in ’08 comes fully equipped with a Skeme Richards soundtrack, perhaps we’ll all be able to ignore the fact that we’re ass-deep in an unwinnable war and just dance, dance, dance. Maybe that’s how W gets by … minus the dancing, hopefully. That’s just an entirely unpleasant mental image.
7 p.m. $25. With “Our Hollow Earth” by Geoff Sobele and Bradford Trojan.
Fillmore at the TLA, 334 South St. 215.922.1011.
Because nothing says happy new year like gypsy cabaret, the Tiger Lillies stand at the ready to serenade you into 2008 with class. Crooning ditties with such adorably season-appropriate titles as Shoot Your Load, Rapist, Abort the Child, and Jesus on the Windshield, the Brechtian-inspired trio combine inventive theatrics and inspired musicianship to create a stunning spectacle of a show. In fact, even the troupe’s unapologetic bawdiness wasn’t enough of an obstacle to prevent the traditionally namby-pamby members of the Grammy nominating committee from officially recognizing their efforts with a nod in 2003, placing the Lillies on the short list for the “Best Classical Crossover” award.
Besides, aren’t we all just a little sick of that “Auld Lang Syne” bullshit? Clearly “In My Hearse” or “The Story of the Man That Went Out Shooting” would make fine replacements for that decrepit chestnut.
8 p.m. $10. With Electric City, Zigmat, Downtown Harvest + Monica McIntyre.
Tritone, 1508 South St. 215.545.0475
Expertly bridging the gap between jazz and experimental breakbeats, Drake’s self-described “sophisticated modern music” is a welcome reprieve from the staid and rigid constraints of traditional jazz. Integrating a classically-trained cellist into drum ‘n’ bass-tinged jazz stylings, Drake manage to strike a balance among several genres without collapsing into unstructured chaos.
The local quintet formed three years ago through Temple’s Jazz Studies program. Since then, they’ve crisscrossed the city, establishing themselves as one of the more daring groups on the Philly scene. Not afraid to blur the lines between hip hop and jazz, Drake have no problems keepin’ the heads noddin’ and the fingers snappin’ – even long after that gaudy ball touches down in Times Square. Perhaps the 13th is the new 31st after all.
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