January 24, 2007

Editor's Picks

Sat., Jan. 27, 3pm. Free. Julia de Burgos Books and Crafts Store, 2721 N. Fifth St. 215.426.3311. www.tallerpr.org
Deftly defenestrating the typical methodology that permeates far too many immigrant tales, Braulio Muñoz injects fresh blood into his novel The Peruvian Notebooks.
Employing a revelatory epistle approach, Muñoz relates the sordid tale of a Peruvian immigrant’s trek across borders and cultural castes.
A gripping story fueled by illusion and deception, Notebooks touches upon the requisite immigrant themes, but the plot twists and the antagonist’s will to go to any length to conceal his secret shame rescue the book from all shades of banality.
Taller Puertorriqueño’s bookstore plays host to the author this week, who’ll entertain a Q&A session following a brief presentation of selections from Notebooks.
Given the current state of debate regarding immigration in our little melting pot, this installment of Taller PR’s meet-the-author series brims with relevance.
A Peruvian immigrant himself, Dr. Muñoz is sure to have a thing or two to say on the hot topic, and his perspective promises to shine a light on one of our country’s darkest corners. (Joshua Valocchi)
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