January 31, 2007

Editor's Picks

Washington: Devout or Deist?”
Tues., Feb. 6, 6:30-8:30pm. Free, reservations required. National Constitution Center, Kirby Auditorium, 525 Arch St. 215.409.6700. www.constitutioncenter.org
The controversy surrounding the separation of church and state in America so often comes down to interpreting the founding fathers’ intentions.
This debate came to a head six years ago when President Bush announced the formation of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, naming Penn political science professor John DiIulio its inaugural director.
DiIulio will moderate Tuesday’s discussion panel that attempts to strike at the heart of the discord by determining George Washington’s tendenciesor lack thereoftoward religion in regard to American life and politics.
Authors and political scholars Jana Novak and Peter Lilliback will argue for Washington’s status as a devout, albeit not in-your-face, Christian. Peter Henriques, professor emeritus of history at George Mason University, plays counterweight, presenting our first president as better understood as a man of honor than as a man of religion.”
Don’t let the seemingly unfair odds against Henriques vex you. After all, he’s a George Mason man, and last year’s NCAA tournament proved beyond a shadow of a doubt George Mason Patriots can stand alone as David in a world of Goliaths. (Joshua Valocchi)
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