December 20, 2006

Editor's Picks

Wed., Dec. 27, 7:30pm. $10. With Boys Like Girls, Envy on the Coast + Capitol Risk. Starlight Ballroom, 460 N. Ninth St. 866.468.7619.
Just when you thought the post-punk movement had mercifully run its course, a band like Valencia comes along to breathe a bit of life into emo’s gasping piehole.
Sounding a bit like Thrice and a lot like Saves the Day, Philly-based Valencia have risen from the mostly rancid garbage heap that is latter-day pop-punk, rallying the boys for one last dance and giving the girls reason to swoon just a bit longer.
Employing a nicely textured style of chord layering that supports some surprisingly mature lyrics, Valencia make it almost okay to rock out all Sunny Day Real Estate-like and not give a damn about the haters—if just for a night.
It’s no surprise, then, that the kids at R5 Productions had to change the venue of this show from the venerable but confining First Unitarian Church basement to the more spacious Starlight Ballroom to accommodate ticket demand.
The youth of the city (or at least its suburbs) have cast their vote strongly in favor of Valencia, and really, who are we to question their judgment? Take a cue from the young’uns on this one and catch a slice of Valencia before they’re all big in Japan. (Joshua Valocchi)
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