April 4, 2007

Eggs Actorly
Fri., April 6, 8pm, and Sat., April 7, 5pm and 9pm. $12.75-$32.50. Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. 215.572.7650. www.keswicktheatre.com
Just about everyone who attended Catholic school suffered through—or even participated in—a version of Godspell.
The text’s versatility and lack of definitive stage directions makes it an easy pick for failed playwrights who inevitably end up teaching drama and directing high school musicals. It’s a shame, really, because when it’s done right, Godspell is one hell of a fun ride.
Jesus comes off as a pretty cool cat. Hell, he’s Buddy Christ compared to whatever entity Dubya worships. Perhaps our president should be forced to sit through a staging of Godspell. Maybe after being reminded of the true nature of Christ’s teachings he’d at least stop invoking Jesus as justification for torture and genocide.
Wishful thinking, I know, but it’s Easter weekend and a professionally staged production of Godspell may be just the elixir for what ails you.
Go forth, ye godless heathens, and get religion! The promoters, noting this year’s coincidence of Easter and Passover, have invited Jewish people to attend.
The mind reels.
Oh, and bring canned food goods. Seriously. (Joshua Valocchi)
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