January 21, 2004

Elmore Leonard
Thurs., Jan. 22, 7pm. Free. Free Library, 1901 Vine St. 215.567.4341. www.library.phila.gov
Elmore Leonard has crafted an entire writing career by managing to remain completely absent from his novels. He writes not so much with a strong narrative voice as with a subliminal whisper--floating subtle suggestions on the breeze that gently blows through his stories.
Instead of explicitly describing a character's appearance or motives, Leonard instead chooses to allow his characters--as well as plots--to unfold in the mind's eye. The circumstances and surroundings are far more vital to character development than anything Leonard chooses to reveal directly. It's a risky approach, but one that pays off handsomely--as evidenced by the sheer number of unforgettable Leonard characters that have invaded our collective consciousness.
Although he'll be physically present to speak about his latest book, Mr. Paradise, Leonard's detached style will doubtless lure the audience into his secret world, where even he forgets himself. (Joshua Valocchi)
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